RUF Briquettes for Sale

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Buy RUF Briquettes Online


Composition:   Hardwood sawdust
Compression:   1.04kg/dm3
Calorific value:   4.9 kWh/kg
Max. ash content:   <.8%
Max. water content:   <8%
Product Standard:   FSC


Block:  24.5 x 8.5 x 9.5 cm
Weight:  1.7-2kg per block
Pack: 6 blocks = av.10kg

RUF Briquettes For Sale

RUF briquettes for sale, are usually made in square shape and have the same functions as other models. Easy stacking and handling, and can be made with different materials. It contains more moisture than the others and also creates more ash. So packing is a very important question. Our company produces RUF briquettes from 85% of conifers (pine, spruce). We take special care of Briquettes packaging.

RUF Briquettes Specifications

  • Combusting temperature: 4246 Kkal/kg
  • Moisture: around 10 %
  • Ash content: around 0,5 %
  • Mechanical durability: 95%
  • Partly destroyed briquettes:14%
  • Size: 60 х 90 х 150 mm
  • Packaging: 12 pieces in vacuum (10kg), 96 packages on pallet (960kg)


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